
CSMS Recent Headlines

Informal Review Deadline Extended to 12/7

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has announced an extension of the deadline to request an Informal Review of the 2017 Value Modifier (VM) payment adjustment. Originally November 30, 2016 at 11:59 pm ET, the new deadline is December 7, 2016 at 11:59 pm ET.Do I need an Informal Review?You need to review your Annual Quality and Resource Use Report (AQRUR) to see whether you will be subject to a -2% VM payment adjustment in 2017. If you think that you have been assigned the VM incorrectly, you can request an Informal Review from CMS.What's an AQRUR, and how …

Doctors in the the House

The Connecticut State Medical Society is proud to recognize three of our members who brought their commitment to physician advocacy to an even higher level by running for state House seats in this election cycle.William A. Petit, Jr., MD CT-22Former CSMS Council Chair Dr. Petit unseated long-term incumbent Betty Boukus, running on a platform of fiscal responsibility, and a focus on core functions such as public safety, providing services and protecting those most vulnerable in our society (children, very elderly and the disabled) and providing adequate infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.).  Prasad Srinivasan, MD CT-31Dr. Srinivasan is returning to represent the 31st …

Meaningful Use Update

To participate successfully in the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs in 2016, providers must be in active engagement with a public health agency. Eligible professionals (EPs) must submit electronic public health data using certified EHR technology (CEHRT), except where prohibited and in accordance with applicable law and practice.2016 Public Health Reporting RequirementsThe public health reporting objective for 2016 includes three measures for EPs, and four measures for eligible hospitals and CAHs. EPs must attest to any combination of two measures, and eligible hospitals and CAHs must attest to any combination of three measures. Measure 1: Immunization …

New FAIR Health App: Find CT Medical and Dental Costs, Plan Your Cost of Care

CSMS Affinity Partner FAIR Health has launched a free mobile app that enables both insured and uninsured healthcare consumers to estimate the costs of medical and dental services received in Connecticut. The app also has cost information for the neighboring states of New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.Available in English and Spanish, the FH® Cost Lookup CT app includes: Educational articles that explain health insurance CT-specific healthcare issues Links to community resources for related services, including healthcare and transportation assistanceDownload the app by visiting the iTunes App Store or Google Play. The app is funded by a grant from the …

2017 Connecticut Medicine Cover Photo Contest: Focus on CT

Connecticut Medicine is pleased to announce a new photo contest, with the winning images selected for use on the journal’s cover in 2017.CSMS members travel the world, and many have shared their amazing photos with us. Past Connecticut Medicine covers have featured member photos from Marrakech and Guatemala to Haiti and Nepal.This year’s contest theme is closer to home: “Focus on Connecticut” provides an opportunity for CSMS members to appreciate the beauty of our state.Send your submissions to Please use the subject line “CT Med Photos.”

224th CSMS Annual Meeting

Nearly 200 physicians and guests from across New England were on hand for the 224th Annual Meeting of the Connecticut State Medical Society. Held at the Omni Hotel in New Haven, the evening featured: Jeffrey A. Gordon, MD was inaugurated as the 178th President of the Connecticut State Medical Society. Dr. Gordon, a hematologist-oncologist, is the first CSMS President from Windham County in 30 years. The CSMS Legislative Awards were presented to Senate President Martin Looney (D-New Haven) and Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) for their commitment and dedication to preserving and strengthening the practice of medicine in …

CT Senators Fasano, Kelly Call for "Re-start" to CID's Anthem-Cigna Review

On Monday, Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) and Sen. Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford), the ranking Republican member of the Insurance & Real Estate Committee, called on the Connecticut Insurance Department (CID) to "re-start" the Anthem-Cigna merger review process.Their letter, in response to last week's decision by CID Commissioner Katharine Wade to recuse herself from the Anthem-Cigna merger review, called on CID Deputy Commissioner Timothy Curry to re-start the process “with fresh eyes and leadership” and to “assign new staff with no past or present ties to either Cigna or Anthem to oversee the process.”Highlights of the letter include: “We, …

CSMS Statement on EpiPen Price Spikes

The physicians of the Connecticut State Medical Society are deeply concerned by the recent EpiPen price spikes. The pens are a simple, reliable mechanism for delivering a pre-measured dose of epinephrine to patients experiencing life-threatening allergic reactions. EpiPen manufacturer Mylan has increased the price of the pens by more than 550% over the past eight years, placing patient access to this life-saving medication at risk.In response to this unprecedented spike in EpiPen prices, CSMS President Henry Jacobs, MD, JD has issued the following statement:We physicians feel that Mylan has violated the public trust and imperiled the lives of those who …

Turn the Tide on Opioid Abuse: US Surgeon General

This week, the Office of the US Surgeon General is mailing a letter to nearly 2.3 million doctors, dentists, nurses and other healthcare professionals. It is a direct appeal from Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, calling on these professionals to join a movement that can help stem our nation’s prescription opioid epidemic. The Surgeon General's office has developed a digital home for this initiative at site provides clinicians with a number of resources to improve prescribing practices and educate patients about the proper use of opioids. It’s also a platform to share your stories, challenges and best practices on this …

Medicare Revalidation Deadlines Coming Soon

If you participate in Medicare Part B, you must complete a CMS revalidation application every 5 years.Not sure if you have to revalidate now? Use the Medicare Revalidation Look Up Tool to find if and when your revalidation is needed. It's easy (and fast). Just enter your name and/or NPI, plus your state, then hit "search."See "TBD" in your file? You don't need to revalidate at this time.See a date? You need to revalidateHow do I revalidate?The most efficient way to submit your revalidation application is by using the CMS Internet-based PECOS system. PECOS allows you to review information currently …

Call for CSMS Officer Nominations

The Connecticut State Medical Society presents the roster for the 2017 slate of General Officers of CSMS. This slate was nominated by the CSMS Nominating Committee on July 28, 2016, in accordance with the process set forth in the CSMS Bylaws.At the 2015 CSMS Annual Meeting, the CSMS Bylaws were amended to allow any CSMS member in good standing to also submit his/her name for nomination as a General Officer. If you wish to submit your name for nomination as a General Officer of CSMS, you must submit such nomination, in writing, and delivered either by US Mail, facsimile, or …

2016 Biondino Golf Classic: Highlights (and Low Scores)

Golfers and volunteers from around the state came together today to make this year's Biondino Golf Classic a great success. 100% of the Biondino Classic proceeds go to support the CSMS Charitable Trust, which helps to fight hunger and homelessness in Connecticut.A heartfelt CSMS thank-you to our generous sponsors, including Gold Sponsor ConnectiCare -- their support made the Biondino Classic possible!If you missed this year's Biondino Classic, check out the video below -- then take a few moments to make your direct (and 100% tax-deductible) donation to the CSMS Charitable Trust.Congratulations to this year's Classic winners:Low Net Tournament ChampionsCSMS Insurance …

CSMS, Coalition Partners Applaud DOJ Lawsuit Against Mega-Mergers

COALITION APPLAUDS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FOR FILING LAWSUITS TO BLOCK THE ANTHEM-CIGNA AND AETNA-HUMANA HEALTH-INSURER MERGERSJuly 21, 2016 (North Haven, CT) -- With the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announcing it will file lawsuits to block the Anthem-Cigna and Aetna-Humana health-insurer mergers, the people now have the federal government in their corner when it comes to stopping these mega-mergers.The DOJ is the arm of the federal government that is responsible for preventing anti-competitive behavior. Nine states and the District of Columbia have also joined the U.S. action against the Anthem-Cigna deal, including Connecticut, New York and California.The Connecticut State …

CSMS Statement on HealthyCT

July 6, 2016 (New Haven, CT) – The Connecticut State Medical Society (CSMS) has issued the following statement regarding the Order of Supervision issued on July 5, 2016 by the Connecticut Insurance Department (CID) for HealthyCT, a Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP).The Order of Supervision was triggered by a June 30, 2016 federal requirement that HealthyCT pay $13.4 million as part of the Affordable Care Act’s Risk Adjustment Program. The Order prohibits the company from writing new business or renewing existing business in Connecticut.Since the implementation of the ACA, many CO-OPs across the country have struggled with the federal …

CID: Out-of-Network Emergency Services Reimbursement Notice

The Connecticut Insurance Department (CID) has released the following notice:Public Act 15-146 requires that if emergency services are rendered to an insured by an out-of-network health care provider, such health care provider may bill the health carrier directly. The health carrier shall reimburse such health care provider the greatest of the following amounts: (i) The amount the insured's health care plan would pay for such services if rendered by an innetwork health care provider; (ii) the usual, customary and reasonable rate for such services, or (iii) the amount Medicare would reimburse for such services."Usual, customary and reasonable rate" means the …

43 Medical, Consumer and Advocacy Organizations Express Grave Concerns to DOJ on Insurance Mega-Mergers

Growing National Outcry Over Insurance Mega-MergersJune 29, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Forty-three state and national organizations have signed a letter sent to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) expressing grave concerns about anti-competitive behavior seen in state reviews of the proposed mega-mergers of Anthem-Cigna and Aetna-Humana.The flawed review process in most states has led the 43 signatories to urge the DOJ to carefully review the mergers’ impact on each state and on the country as a whole. The DOJ has the expertise and enforcement power to protect people from the harm these mergers will cause.The signatories represent a broad range …

CSMS Applauds Senators' Opposition to Health Insurance Mergers

Statement of Support by the Connecticut State Medical Societyfor US Senators’ Opposition to Health Insurance Plan MergersThe Connecticut State Medical Society (CSMS) applauds the efforts of Senator Richard Blumenthal and his Senate colleagues in opposing the Anthem-Cigna and Aetna-Humana health insurance plan mega-mergers.“These mega-mergers are job killers. They threaten jobs, hike prices, lessen choices, and lower health care quality,” Blumenthal said. “Combining five competitors into three epitomizes the type of anti-consumer deal that the law forbids."CSMS shares the concerns expressed in the Senators’ letter to the US Department of Justice with the potential negative impact of these mergers on affordability …

CSMS Shocked by CID's Mega-Merger Review Process, Files FOIA

June 2, 2016 (North Haven, CT) – The Connecticut State Medical Society (CSMS) expressed shock and deep concern with the complete lack of transparency and public involvement in the Connecticut Insurance Department’s review of the proposed Aetna-Humana merger.The CID review process raises serious questions about the veracity of the review, and the reliability and quality of the determination. The CID determination to complete its review “without objection” was made on January 22 of this year, but the public was not notified until May 26 – nearly five months of silence. The Form A (change of control application) filing was not …

LCMA 250th Anniversary Celebration

The Litchfield County Medical Association is now in its 250th year, making it among the oldest (if not the oldest) continuously operating medical association in the country. The LCMA celebrated this milestone at Weatherstone, an historic property in Sharon, CT built by Simeon Smith, MD in 1765. Historical records indicate that Dr. Smith hosted meetings of the County Medical Association and the Medical Society of Sharon at his home.Held in the Stables at Weatherstone, the celebration began with a reception overlooking the grounds and the rolling landscape of the Litchfield Hills. Several generations of Litchfield physicians were joined by their …

CT Pharmaceutical Forum: Access, Affordability & Better Health

Today at the Capitol, CSMS and Connecticut Comptroller Kevin Lembo co-hosted a forum on prescription drug pricing and its effects on access and affordability.CSMS President Henry Jacobs, MD, JD welcomed the audience, and spoke about the hardships he has seen among patients who struggle to afford needed medications. Dr. Jacobs then introduced Comptroller Lembo, calling him a "CSMS healthcare hero" in recognition of his efforts to lead the charge for more affordable and quality healthcare for Connecticut residents.Comptroller Lembo moderated the first panel, Industry Perspective on Cost Growth. Panelists included: C. Michael White, PharmD - Dean, UConn School of Pharmacy …