
CSMS Recent Headlines

New CMS rule will allow flexibility in Certified EHR technology for 2014

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has published a final rule allowing more flexibility in using certified EHR technology (CEHRT) to meet meaningful use (MU) reporting requirements for 2014. The change is expected to result in greater provider participation, and more will be able to meet MU objectives such as electronic prescribing, drug interaction/drug allergy checks, and reporting on key public health data and quality measures.Final rule highlights include: Eligible Providers (EPs) can use the 2011 Edition CEHRT or a combination of 2011 and 2014 Edition CEHRT for an EHR reporting period in 2014 for the Medicare and …

Ether Dome @Hartford Stage

"In 1846, the world was forever changed by a dentist from Hartford."Join Hartford Stage for the East Coast premiere of Ether Dome, an original play based upon the discovery of anesthesia in 1846 by Hartford’s own Horace Wells. This riveting play highlights the struggle between the earnest Wells and his manipulative protégé, William Morton, who eventually betrays him.The play not only wrestles with 19th century medical history and the politics of the innovation in a time when biological science was fast emerging as a controversial force, but it also stands at the juncture of medical history that spans three centuries. …

CSMS' Matt Katz Takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Nominated by HealthyCT CEO Ken Lalime, CSMS EVP/CEO Matt Katz stepped up to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.Click here to see Matt's #IceBucketChallenge.Cold, wet, yet undaunted, Matt in turn has challenged CSMS member Steve Fleischman, MD and Ohio State Medical Association CEO Brent Mulgrew to support the ALS Association in its efforts to find a cure for ALS.

Share Your Experience: Take the Open Payments Survey

The AMA has issued a nationwide survey to gather information from physicians about their experiences registering for the Open Payments (Sunshine Act) system and reviewing their data.Please click here to take the brief advocacy survey. The AMA wants to know what you think about the Open Payments System. The deadline to complete the survey is COB Monday, August 18. You can also email your stories/anecdotes to 8/15/14: CMS announced that the deadline for physicians and teaching hospitals to review their records has been extended to September 8, 2014. The public website will be available on September 30, 2014.BACKGROUNDAs the …

Courant Editorial on Physician Volunteers & Liability

Today's Hartford Courant ran a common-sense editorial on the need to reconsider liability for physician volunteers.Connecticut needs an Access to Health Care Act similar to Florida's. Imagine the improvement in care for poor people if one were to be passed.

2014 Biondino Golf Classic Roundup

The day began with clouds and a few raindrops, but the sun -- and the golfers -- turned out for the shotgun start of this year's Biondino Golf Classic to benefit the CSMS Charitable Trust.Held at the Wallingford Country Club on July 28, Classic Co-Chairs Steve Fleischman, MD and Ben Gardner, MD organized a full day for golfers and non-golfers alike. The kickoff luncheon was followed by 18 holes, cocktails & hors d'oeuvres at the 19th hole, raffle prizes, and a lively dinner.Congratulations to the 2014 Golf Classic Champions: Bristol Hospital (Gross Winner) and Quest Diagnostics (Net Winner).2014 Contest Winners …

ICD-10 webinar - August 5

Join the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for an eHealth provider webinar on CMS ICD-10 resources tomorrow, August 5, 2014 from noon - 1 pm.CMS offers a variety of practice resources, including the Road to 10, a free online tool that enables small provider practices to create an ICD-10 action plan and jumpstart their transition.Space is limited. Register now to secure your spot for this eHealth Provider Webinar. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a follow-up email with step-by-step instructions on how to log-in to the webinar.Past webinar presentations and recordings can be accessed on the …

Dueling Rulings

Yesterday saw conflicting Obamacare rulings issued by two U.S. Appeals Courts: one striking down subsidies for federally-run exchanges (Halbig v. Burwell, U.S. Appeals Court for the District of Columbia), and one upholding them (King v. Burwell, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit). The CT Mirror has an overview of what the rulings mean (or don't mean) for Connecticut. Kaiser Health News breaks it all down in a Q&A format. The New York Times takes a deeper dive.

Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule for 2015

The annual proposed rule to govern Medicare physician payment policy in 2015 was published in the Federal Register[] on July 11 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).Key provisions for 2015 include Chronic Care Management, RUC/CPT, Telehealth, VBM and more. Click here to see a summary of the key provisions.Physicians wishing to comment on the proposed rule can submit their comments in several ways: Email: Go to Follow the instructions for ‘‘submitting a comment.’’ Regular Mail: Written comments may be mailed to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Attention: CMS–1612–P, P.O. …

Inspirational Physician Award

The AMA’s Women Physicians Section (WPS) is now accepting nominations for its annual Inspirational Physician Award. Formerly the Physician Mentor Recognition Program, the Inspirational Physician Award recognizes physicians who have offered their time, wisdom and support throughout their professional journeys.The individual may have inspired you to greater heights, steered you into a specialty you love, helped you find balance in life and work, guided you through your professional society, challenged you to surprise yourself, or unknowingly been a role model for you and others.Inspirational Physician Award honorees will be issued a special certificate, celebrated during September (Women in Medicine Month), …

CSMS Awarded CT Health Grant

The Connecticut Health Foundation (CT Health) awarded the Connecticut State Medical Society a one-year $76,625 grant for an initiative to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in 30-day hospital readmission rates.The grant enables CSMS to continue its research in racial and ethnic readmission disparities. This initiative will be primarily focused on two conditions: uncomplicated childbirth and joint replacement surgery.   

Yale med students, volunteers commit to caring

Yale medical students and CSMS members Isha Di Bartolo, Nicole Krenitsky, Ian McConnell, and Bobby Rosen were profiled in a recent New Haven Register story about the Haven Free Clinic.Haven Free Clinic reinforces the idea that health care is not one-way. By giving, the students receive benefits to carry with them through their careers. “For all of us, the reason why we go to clinic on Saturday is we get something, too,” said Bobby Rosen, a second-year medical student. “That’s why I think relationship is really the right word. … You also benefit from forming a meaningful bond with someone …

DeLauro, Blumenthal - New Medicare Advantage Bill

(North Haven, CT - 6/27/14) -- A new Medicare Advantage Participant Bill of Rights has been formally introduced in the US House by Connecticut Representative Rosa DeLauro. The Senate version of the bill was introduced by Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, along with Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal.Medicare Advantage Participant Bill of Rights Act (full text)In addition to working with the American Medical Association and PAI, CSMS physician leaders have been in contact with the Connecticut Congressional delegation since the cuts were first announced in October 2013. Sen. Blumenthal held a Hartford field hearing on the issue in January, and invited …

Indoor tanning leads to early skin cancer

CSMS member Jeffrey Salomon, MD was quoted in this WFSB story about the dangers of indoor tanning for teens and young adults. Dr. Salomon is an assistant clinical professor of plastic surgery at Yale University School of Medicine.  

CT Emergency Preparedness Exercise

Connecticut just completed a statewide emergency preparedness exercise that allowed the state, local municipalities, utility companies and the private sector to enhance readiness and disaster preparedness, including mass care planning, in advance of the Connecticut’s hurricane season. The exercise, which simulated a Category 1 hurricane, took place on Saturday, June 21 and Monday, June 23.Gov. Malloy's office issued a press release about the 2-day exercise, and the Governor's remarks are available on CT-N News.Physicians can find additional disaster preparedness information on the CSMS website.

Administrative Simplification Initiatives

Learn more about Administrative Simplification initiatives and how they can simplify your practice at this CMS e-Health webinar on Thursday, June 26 from noon - 1:30 pm.Join subject matter experts from CMS and The Electronic Payments Association (NACHA) to hear about: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Remittance Advice (ERA) Operating Rules Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network Health care EFT Standard Resources and Additional Information Q&ASpace is limited, so register now to secure your spot for this informative webinar. Previous webinar presentations and recordings can be accessed on the Resources page of the CMS eHealth website. 

Two Local Doctors Try New Model

CSMS members Thomas Blum, MD and Domenic Casablanca, MD were interviewed in The Day: Two local doctors try new model to offer 'customized, enhanced primary care'.  

Physicians Foundation Releases New ACA Report

The Physicians Foundation recently released Part II of their ACA Critical Issues white paper series, Beyond the Horizon into 2015.The white paper is organized into three chapters: The ACA: CBO Speaks, Shadow of the Mid-Term Elections, and Assessing the Initial Coverage Rollout The ACA: The Changing American Healthcare Marketplace Select Issues for Physicians in Private Medical PracticeACA Critical Issues - Part I "From Theory to Boots on the Ground"ACA Critical Issues - Part II "Beyond the Horizon into 2015"The Physicians Foundation is a nonprofit organization that seeks to advance the work of practicing physicians and to help facilitate the delivery …

Anthem Provider Update

Anthem recently released information regarding payment for ACA-Compliant Individual and Small Group Claims. In response to concerns about the length of time needed to process these claims, Anthem has taken several steps: Expedited professional claims processing for their other products in an effort to maintain provider cash flow, and increased the frequency of professional remittances. The insurer will notify providers in advance when they plan to return to weekly remittances. All payments will include prompt pay interest as required by State or Federal law.Additional information is available on the Anthem website.