Former CSMS Council Chair Dr. Petit unseated long-term incumbent Betty Boukus, running on a platform of fiscal responsibility, and a focus on core functions such as public safety, providing services and protecting those most vulnerable in our society (children, very elderly and the disabled) and providing adequate infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.).

Dr. Srinivasan is returning to represent the 31st House District for a fourth term. A pediatric and adult immunologist, Dr. Srinivasan is a member of the House's Public Health, Finance, Revenue & Bonding, and Planning & Development Committees. Dr. Srinivasan has been active in his legislative efforts to support physicians and patients, particularly the need to reform our state's medical liability laws.

Specializing in pulmonology and critical care medicine, Dr. Anwar has been a member of the South Windsor Town Council since 2011, including a term as Mayor. Dr. Anwar was a candidate for the open CT-14 seat, running with a positive message and focusing on issues of economic development, healthy communities, education, consumer protection, and advocacy for seniors and veterans. Unfortunately, he didn't succeed in winning the seat, but Dr. Anwar writes, "I look forward continuing to work for all of South Windsor in the years ahead."
To Dr. Petit and Dr. Srinivasan, congratulations and best wishes for the coming legislative session. To Dr. Anwar, sincere thanks for your candidacy - you continue to inspire as an example of physician engagement and advocacy.