The new resources include:
- MIPS Performance Feedback Fact Sheet: Offers an overview of what performance feedback is, who receives the feedback, and how to access it on the Quality Payment Program website.
- Targeted Review of the 2019 MIPS Payment Adjustment Fact Sheet: Details what a targeted review is and when and how to request a targeted review.
- Targeted Review of the 2019 MIPS Payment Adjustment User Guide: Provides an overview of the targeted review process, and how to access and complete the targeted review request form.
For More Information: Visit the Quality Payment Program Resource Library on to review new and existing Quality Payment Program resources. Contact the Quality Payment Program at or 1-866-288-8292 (TTY: 1-877-715-6222).
Just a reminder CMS reporting for the Quality Payment Programs can be simplified using the tools and resources of CTHealthLink. For more information on CTHealthLink, contact Matthew Katz at or visit